Sunday, 19 October 2008 @ 20:12
CCA Exhibition 2008 Photos
Hi Peeps! Many apologies for the late but much-awaited (I hope) photos from the CCA Exhibition 2008 for the Year 4s! Before that, kudos to the zongwus (that includes ME too!) and Zhi Qian for the hundreds of hours spent brainstorming on what to go into the poster, buying the materials and designing the fabulous poster! :)) And handclaps to Tingpei for the wonderful video you see in the previous post! :)
EVERYONE'S favorite photo! :) Go to DHSCOSH's Photobucket account for the rest of the photos! :)
Also, don't forget to VOTE :) for what genre(s) of movies you want to be screened during the DHSCO Senior High Initiation Camp 2008's Movie Marathon! If not, I'll just rent all the movies with Christian Bale in it. :)
BIYU. :)
Sunday, 12 October 2008 @ 20:18
Initiation Camp 2008
Hello peeps! Yes, the DHSCO Senior High Initiation Camp 2008 is no longer just a dream, cos we're making it come true!
Be an instrumental part of this monumental event by participating in the poll located below to decide what movies you want to watch during the movie marathon held on one of the camp nights!
Please be as honest as possible, as only movies that fall into the top few voted genres will be chosen and screened for YOUR viewing pleasure.
AND! If you're currently not in DHSCO Senior High or a Year 4 currently in DHSCO, please don't vote cos we really don't want to know your opinion as the movie marathon will not be for YOU, but the current Year 4s and 5s in DHSCO.
Take me to the poll! :)
After that, if you have a movie that you're absolutely dying to watch, leave a comment here with your name and the title of the movie and we'll see if we can screen it for YOU! :))
P.S only movies with ratings of G, PG, PG-13 or NC-16 will be screened. So suggest your movie with discretion!
Happy voting! :)